What would you do to see a prophecy come true?

We Prophecy is an Indigenous Colombian diaspora led collective amplifying site fights and social struggles in Colombia by building bridges with grassroots and Indigenous rights, human rights and environmental activist movements in North America to facilitate them joining together to achieve climate justice. This work brings everyone involved together to call the Eagle Condor Prophecy into being.

The Eagle Condor prophecy speaks to how the North is a representation of progress, capitalism, patriarchal control and the cold separation of humans from the sacred system of life; and how the South is a representation of our relationship to Mother Earth, our nonhuman relatives, each other and the reality that the imbalance of these two great scales will be the demise of humanity and life on this great planet.

According to the original instructions that humans were given we are all related, and we must work together to stay in good relation with the giver of life, Mother Earth, Hicha Uaia. It is only when we seek to prioritize each other equally rather than fall into the fracturization caused by scarcity mentality that we will truly move the weights of the scale of justice.

When the Eagle Condor Prophecy has come to fruition, truly, the imbalance in our world will be remedied and the systems in place that cause harm and seek to control us by wearing us all down will be done with. We, as humans, will remember that we are all interconnected and part of a sacred system of life, human and non-human, where we prioritize one another, our communities, and most importantly: the care and reverence for Mother Earth, and all the gifts she gives.

We are interconnected

  • Language barriers are one way that we are separated and by eliminating that barrier through translation to English and Spanish we open pathways for connection and relationships.

  • When we come together we light up the global network

Everyone has gifts to offer

  • We recognize that it’s necessary to take rest. All are welcome to contribute as they can commit and are welcome back when they are refreshed. We are here to hold each other through these times and this means sometimes we will need to rest. There is nothing wrong with saying we are burned out, the work we are doing is destined to destroy us if we don’t take breaks and there are enough of us to keep it moving forward while others rest.

  • In our relationships we are not transactional, and know that everyone has something to offer

Our story is not the only story

  • Our relationships are woven together to be strong enough for the long haul, as the road to liberation is long and difficult. We show up ready to navigate through difficulties as well as celebrate wins together.

  • We must be ready to speak up about the struggles outside of our own to truly exemplify the meaning of the word solidarity, as well as to receive solidarity ourselves.

The Eagle Condor Prophecy must come to fruition for the survival of life on our planet

  • We must remain honest and fierce in the face of colonial structures. We must always lead from the core knowledge that justice will arise only through radical truth telling and accountability.

  • We, as humans, are simply part of the sacred system of life. We do not own the Earth, rather we are charged with caring for Her.

  • We loudly recognize that liberation is made of the pathway not just a destination.